Hear why our cardholders love Yendo
* Real Yendo customers were compensated for their honest reviews of Yendo

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Mela, Phoenix, AZ
“Yendo was quick and easy. Simply done from my phone. I hardly had to leave the couch and the interest rate worked great for our budget. So I recommend Yendo to anyone who will listen. I'd say at least try the process. You'd be very happy.”
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Yendo reviews from our customers*
"If you're looking for that credit that you've not been able to come up with, Yendo is probably exactly what you're looking for.
James S.
Dayton, OH
"Yendo came in my life when when I needed it most, when other companies were overcharging me for interest rates, and it really helped me out."
Robert B.
Denver, CO
"I heard about Yendo through a friend from the start through the application process, through the funding was very quick and very pain free."
Dave T.
Cardiff, CA
"Answer some questions on the car, send pictures and then take it to Fedex and mail it in and boom, super easy, super convenient."
Michelle Z.
Peoria, IL
"It's not a title loan company. The process is easy and they make it worth your while."
Bradenton, FL
"Quick shoutout to Yendo, I just got available credit, without even receiving the card yet, the process was great, it was everything that Yendo said it was gonna be"
Chuck W.
Katy, TX
* Real Yendo customers were compensated for their honest reviews of Yendo
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Access up to $10,000 in credit with Yendo.